• Paul Campbell posted an update in the group Feedback

    4 years ago

    Hello all,

    This post wont be polished or redrafted in any way; im writing as my thoughts and reflections come to me.

    I discovered this site a week past on friday I think it was (I remembered Dane albeit not necessarily Zygon from years ago but pretty sure I didnt buy any products back then).

    Ive bought many hypnosis and brain wave entrainment type products over the years and have varied experiences (Holosync, Munro Institute, Mind Valley, Learning Strategies Paraliminals to name just a few) so brain wave entrainment and unconcious processing and knowledge around hidden limiting belifs and the work of the likes of Maxwell Maltz was familiar to me, of not necessarily practiced on a regular basis.

    First of all, the various introductory videos I think are excellent – really gives a feeling of connection and the guys at Zygon really wanting their customers to succeed and really set up the background to the technology really well.

    Having read lots and lots of introductory information of the aforemontioned products, I felt I had a good handle on this technology in general, however the through the introductory videos I learned a lot more information and a much deeper understanding of how the products on this site can help me succeed – this really helped with motivation and desire to succeed.

    I last spent Saturday and most of Sunday going through all the products and deciding on a couple of main programmes to be my focus over the next 4 weeks – Attract Wealth & Success Millionare Mind and the Ultra Success Brain Supercharger. These were picked as I needed a rewrite of my inner beliefs on these fronts.

    For the last 8 days (including today) I have listened to Ultra Success Programmer in the morning upon wakening (i get up at least 1 hour before my wife and daughter) and the Millionaire Mind programmer later in the evening, around 7pm.

    Throughout the day I would play the respective activators and at times I also played Super Intelligence (track 1) and relevant Brain Break tracks depending on my needs.

    I have been working from home since last March due to covid and so can sit with earphones on or have the activator tracks just coming through the laptop during the day easy enough.

    My results/experiences so far are:

    – A general calmness and centredness
    – More focus, alertness and engagement with work – finding myself contributing much more on various zoom calls and providing suggestions and asking more questions
    – Sharper thinking, ability to come up with good ideas and connections to solve problems (this really stood out for me, ive felt brain dead for months but now I feel much sharper)
    – Much less inner fear and fight/flight response when presented with challenging work situations (big impact)
    – Much more self believe that I can solve challenges and easily handle the unknown that can be thrown at me
    – Much more positive self talk from my inner voice about my deserving to be successful, wealthy etc – usually this is doubt that comes up
    – Less worry about the future and my ability to control my destiny
    – Less reactive
    Its only been just over a week, but I certainly feel that much progress has been made and I am very confident its largely down to these tracks.
    For full disclosure, I have been taking new supplements for the past few weeks, which includes Lions Mane, Kanna, Bicopa Monnieri, L Theanine, L Tyrosine, as well as drinking Pu-Erh team which are all brain related products which I know will be helping too.
    However im no stranger to taking these ingredients, in decent size dosages, and havent had these effects. Lions Mane doesnt change your inner voice that talks to you. Its likely I think these are complimenting the mindscripting on the 2 tracks but yes will be helping with brain functioning (lions mane) and calmness (l theanine).
    The benefit around less inner fear is a big one. The inner feeling of panic when I have analysis to produce, a project to complete at work that I may fail, not be able to solve it, look like an idiot is something ive noticed for a long time – so to see the volume on that turned waaaay down is a huge call out for me, and its been replaced with strong sense of self assurance and confidence and an inner voice that says I will solve it and Ill find a way, and I can handle anything the situation throws at me.
    Its not a 24/7 thing already, but I can feel it getting stronger.
    This is particulary exciting as this (effectively poor self image in this domain) has held me back for literally years, particularly in the entrepreneurial front where Ive not taken action so many times and gotten out there through fear of failure. Im talking writing 20-30,000 word ebooks years ago and not self publising them online through fear of criticism that im full of “sh$t and dont know what im talking about and why would anyone buy from me” hence they simply gathered dust on my hard drive.
    Its only been 8 days, and I cant wait to see where I am after 4 weeks.
    At that point I will move onto another 2 tracks.
    If anyone reading this is on the fence about signing up to the monthly subscription, let me say that $13 a month is an absolute steal for all these programmes.
    Im particularly looking forward to the Visioneering and Remote Viewing Masterclasses coming out in the future.
    Paul Campbell