Asa Oldring posted an update in the group Feedback
3 years, 11 months agohi fellow warriors,
I am a former TI, after 10 years I sought explanation of my mind states and the abuse I received from a former colleague using psychological warfare. I investigated mind techniques for a long time: isochronic tones, Neurolinguitic programming, binaural beats, other less realistic explanations… I believe my colleague was part of a cult in Hampshire, England. They likely accessed the Akashic records and used the similar technology that Dane talks about for reprogramming the true consciousness.
Finding Danes platform, (Zygon) has been a welcomed breadth of freedom and enablement that means I no longer live in fear of this happening again. I am an enabled warrior. I am in control of my life. I am my own master and therefore am not governed by illicit and malicious motives by poisonous dark arts.
The true freedom, life changing experiences have come from the entry level podcasts! The one about about using your minds eye! I instantly felt the control and governance over my own future again. Literally life changing in a world of advanced technology and deviants, not protecting and equipping yourself with your mind elevation, could end you up on the back of a ten year abuse regime. Literally!
Thank you, Dane! A saint of the modern world!