• Steesh Alexander posted an update in the group Gratitude

    3 years, 2 months ago

    Hello =ØKÜ<Øýß

    I m so excited that zygon is back and releasing all this amazing technology via an app. I was 19 when I found a zygon audio tape in my childhood home, my brother, seriously the coolest man in the universe started listening to mind power secrets and eventually shared it with me. I experimented with it straight away and imagined a scene I really wanted to happen. At first I didn t really believe I could achieve it but listening to it over a period of 10 days, everyday just upon awakinging each day I began to get a swing in my step, I felt generally lighter and strangely happier, I know because I ve always kept a journal, anyway – I can recall to this day the moment I realised my vision was playing out in real time& it felt kind of like deja vu – I was like has this happens before & omg this is exactly what I ve been imagining!!! The detail in which the scene played out was astonishing. II was so inspired by the change it could create in one s life , if only they knew about this little tape. I have also imagined I would one day tell Dane how to this day – 20 years later, it is still my happiness memory to date& and here I am. I recently was working with a family experiencing deep loss and grief. A 16 year old was just about to do her exams for high school and did not feel she could achieve much with so much pain over the family s recent loss, I shared the mind power secrets you tube video with her and she reported back that she followed the protocol exactly as described in the audio, a few months later she achieved the highest possible grade and the highest grade ever achieve in her school.

    Dane Your work truly has the potential to change lives, if only you could make an audio for discipline one could achieve so much.

    Thank you Dane. =ØOÞ<Øýß