• Captain Hill posted an update in the group Gratitude

    1 year, 11 months ago

    One year ago, this Tuesday, April 4, 2021, Dane proposed to me at Mariposa in Sedona, Arizona. Surrounded by breath-taking red rock views Dane bent his knee and asked me if I would marry him. Tears of joy dripped down my cheeks as I looked at him with adoring eyes and answered, Yes.

    This was a pivotal moment as I knew, without a doubt, that my life as I knew it would never be the same. I not only dreamed of Dane, but I also literally manifested
    this amazing human to be my husband. I have been through failed relationships and had decided that I would never settle for a typical guy. My man would be a
    one of a kind. A man who is honest, moral, loving, trustworthy and& I wrote 50 traits I wanted in my husband and Dane far exceeded all my heart s desires.

    I know I am the most fortunate woman alive to be married to Dane Spotts and not a moment goes by that I take our relationship for granted. To me Dane is more
    precious than anything in this worldly existence. I cherish every moment with him and look forward to living a long, exciting life together helping people grow, evolve and realize their potential.

    The truth of our love story is that it took over 10 years to manifest because I didn t know
    what I know now. When I made the decision that I was ready to be in a loving committed relationship with the man of my dreams that s all it took.   

    You may wonder, How did I manifest this larger than life, man,, Dane Spotts? The answer
    is first, I was ready, willing, and open without any reservations to find the
    man who had eluded me for decades. Then I literally felt as if he was in my life. I felt his touch, smelled his scent, gazed into his eyes, and heard him softly
    whisper I love you into my ear. Next, I increased my feelings of gratitude for this man 1000-fold and felt as if he was standing in front of me. Then I said a short prayer of thanks and ended with, and it is so.

    Finally, I released any attachment to the outcome of my manifestation knowing that my energetic frequency was in alignment with my desires, and it had to happen.

    Like Einstein said, Everything is energy, and that s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want, and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.

    Two weeks later Dane Spotts walked into my life, and we have been together ever since. I
    am blessed beyond words.

    You can do all this (and more). You can create the exact life you want. How? By first knowing precisely what it is you want. That s how the magic begins.

    Mrs. Jeanne Love-Spotts