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  • [email protected] joined the group Feedback

    1 year, 5 months ago
    Members 3
  • Dane Spotts posted an update in the group Feedback

    1 year, 6 months ago

    This is one of the trailer’s for the Zygon 2.0 app called “the mind zone”. We are creating a few of these. My question is… is this one too long?

  • Khan Joanne joined the group Feedback

    1 year, 7 months ago
    Members 3
  • Dane Spotts created the group Feedback

    1 year, 9 months ago
    Members 3
  • [email protected] posted an update in the group Feedback

    2 years, 9 months ago

    ÿþYES the editor crashed in my last post as it has been doing constantly. I fortunately saved what I had written and then canceled the post. Then I copied it into another post and added the rest. It finally worked!

  • [email protected] posted an update in the group Feedback

    2 years, 9 months ago

    Yes this must be the day of BUGS everywhere in pay systems. Cricket Wireless screwed up in their payment system causing me to spend endless hours of Saturday and Sunday with no phoning ability!

    ÿþNow it is occurring here!

  • Kerlyn Orellana posted an update in the group Feedback

    3 years, 2 months ago

    The second and beyond Joseph Campal interviews dont play, cantyou help me navigate through that

  • Scott Maffei posted an update in the group Feedback

    3 years, 8 months ago

    Have you ever thought about allowing continuous loop for your media files? Certain audio files would be perfect for continuous play back. I believe there is an HTML attribute that allows you to add this.

  • Paul Campbell posted an update in the group Feedback

    3 years, 10 months ago

    Hi Dane, Rob,

    This one had probably been suggested before and I know there would be logistical and other challenges to consider, however is there any appetite at your end to create versions of tracks that are for sleep time?

    What I mean is the tracks presumably take the listener down to deep theta, do their magic and then bring the listener up…[Read more]

  • Asa Oldring posted an update in the group Feedback

    3 years, 11 months ago

    hi fellow warriors,

    I am a former TI, after 10 years I sought explanation of my mind states and the abuse I received from a former colleague using psychological warfare. I investigated mind techniques for a long time: isochronic tones, Neurolinguitic programming, binaural beats, other less realistic explanations… I believe my colleague was…[Read more]

  • [email protected] posted an update in the group Feedback

    3 years, 11 months ago


    Ive started on the Millionaire recording. It will play for about 30 seconds, then I get the reloading icon, and nothing more happens.

    Ive left a voicemail – can someone please get back to me on this? Thank you

  • Paul Campbell posted an update in the group Feedback

    3 years, 11 months ago

    Hi Dane, Rob,

    How are you doing?

    Just to highlight some corrections needed for the X-Mind Programme – upon clicking each track, it seems to link to tracks from Ultra Medidation programme instead.

    Looking forward to exploring these tracks, they sound great.



  • Pamela Turner posted an update in the group Feedback

    4 years ago

    The Zygon app has changed my life. Since the first day I signed up, I have never been without it. And one of the things I like most is that I have access to it 24-7. Smartphone, iPad, and computer….I am always near one of these devices.

    I can easily get my day started with a morning meditation of my choice. And as I move through the day,…[Read more]

  • Paul Campbell posted an update in the group Feedback

    4 years ago

    Hello all,

    This post wont be polished or redrafted in any way; im writing as my thoughts and reflections come to me.

    I discovered this site a week past on friday I think it was (I remembered Dane albeit not necessarily Zygon from years ago but pretty sure I didnt buy any products back then).

    Ive bought many hypnosis and brain wave entrainment…[Read more]

  • posted an update in the group Feedback

    4 years ago

    I ve been thinking about Dane s expression, It takes a new mind to see a new world and what it means. As I thought about the broader implications of its meaning, I realized how powerful this idea is and the impact it could have on our world. Imagine if everyone could see limitless possibilities, beauty, and joy everywhere. Fear and anxiety would…[Read more]