Bart Everaert
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  • Bart Everaert posted an update in the group Zygon Technology

    3 years, 1 month ago

    Do The Activator Tracks Contain Subliminal Suggestions ? Or merely a musical track ?

    Im little confused about it…

    So far I understand:

    – The programmer track contains silent affirmations
    – How exactly is the programming activated in these activator tracks ? Do they use subliminal affirmations as in the programmer track ?

    Please help me out lol

  • 3 years, 1 month ago

    # Hello,

    Love the programs so far ! Im following the millionaire mind audio programs.

    Where can I check out **the affirmations that are used** in the individual tracks within the Millionaire Mind Program ?

    Im listening to the attract wealth audio specifically…So is there any way for me to have a **look into the mindscript** that is being…[Read more]