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[email protected] joined the group Podcasts
1 year, 5 months ago -
Dane Spotts created the group Podcasts
1 year, 9 months ago -
Asa Oldring posted an update in the group Podcasts
2 years, 10 months agoHi Dane and Rob,
I have vested my time into your tech. I absolutely love it. It s changed my life. Thank you. I believe in you and your teachings.
I ask what s the name of the worm hole that our neural conscious mimics that enables this looper style jumping between thoughts, dreams, events, & things more generally?
I fight…[Read more]
1 Comment-
Dane Spottsreplied 1 year, 7 months ago
Thanks so much
Dane Spotts posted an update in the group Podcasts
3 years, 3 months agoNow open for discussion.
Ive been meaning to do this podcast/report for some time. Its a topic close to my heart. The world really is filled with magic, we just dont see it and we get caught up into our life-expectation set and time…[Read more]
posted an update in the group Podcasts
3 years, 4 months agoFellow MindWarriors,
In our latest MindWarrior Podcast, [“Rags to Riches”](https://mindwarrior.com/episode-14-rags-to-riches/) Dane and I dig into the story of Jay Mark – an entrepreneur who was financially ruined by the government in an action he got caught up in through no fault of his own, and had to re-build his life from scratch.
In this…[Read more]
posted an update in the group Podcasts
3 years, 9 months agoThe power of our minds to think clearly and rationally is a true gift; and Ive always believed that critical thinking and the ability to distill an idea to its essence is the optimum way to express its meaning. As Einstein said, Education is not about the learning of facts, but of training the mind to think.
The focus of **Mind Warrior…[Read more]
Dane Spotts posted an update in the group Podcasts
3 years, 10 months agoThis is a 2 part podcast and is now up. To get to it, just click on the link or visit [www.mindwarrior.com](https://mindwarrior.com/2021/04/episode-4-universe-is-consciousness/).
Dane Spotts posted an update in the group Podcasts
4 years, 1 month agoTo access the current podcasts – go to [www.mindwarrior.com](http://www.mindwarrior.com) . You will also be able to find current episodes on all the podcast stations in the near future, as well as your ZYGON app.