Dane Spotts posted an update in the group The Mind Warrior Project
3 years, 9 months agoThe latest episode of the Mind Warrior Project podcast is published and playing.
Whats it about?
In the Paradigm Trap Rob and I discuss how reality is shaped by our belief systems and how to recognize it and shift it. They explore the current paradigm divide in the USA in a robust discussion of politics and the new vaccine paradigm, and how these paradigms are created by the ruling class as means to control and manipulate the behavior of the masses. Once someone becomes aware that their truth may not be THE TRUTH they are able to become free. A Mind Warrior is able though awareness to step outside the personal limitations created by that paradigm, and experience a new open mind reality.
We need a robust discussion here, as this is the core of it all. Once an understanding is mastered, it opens up all sorts of possibilities.