Dane Spotts
Planet Earth
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  • Dane Spotts posted an update in the group Gratitude

    2 years, 8 months ago

    Thank you for taking your time to make the world a better place for all. Keep up the good work

  • Dane Spotts posted an update in the group Podcasts

    2 years, 10 months ago

    Now open for discussion.


    Ive been meaning to do this podcast/report for some time. Its a topic close to my heart. The world really is filled with magic, we just dont see it and we get caught up into our life-expectation set and time…[Read more]

  • 2 years, 10 months ago

    Hi Dane I was wondering if the series of Ultra meditations is the same as Brainwave entrainment or has the same effect. The reason I started usIng Holosync is because it is supposed to create self-awareness and enable the user to access their sub-conscious and change negative beliefs and thought patterns but I dont know whether thats ma…[Read more]

  • 2 years, 10 months ago

    Hi Dane. Im not sure whether its my Lenovo tablet or my internet speed but when I try to listen to the Ultra meditation it keeps dropping out intermittently. Ive set the screen timeout to 30. I was wondering what is the minimum internet speed required to listen without interruption and is it possible to download any tracks? 2 years, 10 months ago

  • 2 years, 11 months ago

    Hi Im new to Zygon having joined about a week ago. I started usIng Holosync six weeks ago on a trial basis before I found this app. I was wondering if Holosync is all its cracked up to be and worth the expense or would I be better off just using the Zygon programs instead? 2 years, 11 months ago

  • Ahmad replied to the topic New Releases in the forum ZYGON Programs

    3 years ago

    I know its been awhile since my last post, but weve been pretty busy adding new programs, podcast episodes, and enhancements to the app. Also, our tech staff has been working overtime so stay tuned for an update on the Zygon Apple App coming soon.

    _Heres WHATS NEW on the App…_

    **The Path of the Everyday Hero**

    The story of how Zygon developed…[Read more]

  • Ahmad replied to the topic New Releases in the forum ZYGON Programs

    3 years, 2 months ago

    Hi all,

    Anyone going through this course yet? What are your experiences.

    I presume it will take some practice for the visual field of the eye to open up more and be able to see more than a block of 5 or so words whilst scanning down the middle of the page, however wondering if anyone has seen any shift themselves?

    Dane, Rob, interested to get…[Read more]

  • Ahmad replied to the topic New Releases in the forum ZYGON Programs

    3 years, 3 months ago

    What started as an experiment in mixed media, became a new Zygon technology. The Dreamscapes “Sleep Meditation” Series of programs uses sound and visual imagery to guide your mind into the ideal sleep state.

    **SLEEP MEDITATION I “Preparation”**
    This 10 minute program will prepare you for a deep and restful sleep. Relax, and let the soothing…[Read more]

  • Ahmad replied to the topic New Releases in the forum ZYGON Programs

    3 years, 3 months ago

    We just added two new titles to our Workshops & Books category: Ken Keyes **”Pathways to Higher Consciousness”** and Danes **”Master Your ESP.”** In “Pathways” Ken explores the fundamental guiding forces in our lives, and teaches specific skills to experience a life filled with love, joy, and inner peace. In “Master Your ESP” Dane describes the…[Read more]

  • Dane Spotts posted an update in the group The Mind Warrior Project

    3 years, 3 months ago

    The latest episode of the Mind Warrior Project podcast is published and playing.

    Whats it about?

    In the Paradigm Trap Rob and I discuss how reality is shaped by our belief systems and how to recognize it and shift it. They explore the current paradigm divide in the USA in a robust discussion of politics and the new vaccine paradigm, and…[Read more]

  • Ahmad replied to the topic New Releases in the forum ZYGON Programs

    3 years, 4 months ago


    We just added a new series of programs to the SLEEP & RELAXTION category called Sleep Meditation. The technology behind these programs is based on the Dreamscapes sleep system, but we added guided imagery and enhanced dynamic neuro entrainment to the mix. Also, weve designed a unique…[Read more]

  • Dane Spotts posted an update in the group Podcasts

    3 years, 5 months ago

    This is a 2 part podcast and is now up. To get to it, just click on the link or visit [www.mindwarrior.com](https://mindwarrior.com/2021/04/episode-4-universe-is-consciousness/).

  • 3 years, 6 months ago

    Someone just emailed and asked me; What is your favorite audio book/workshop you did?

    **ANSWER**: Secret of Living The Perfect Life.

    **WHY**?: I generally never listen to ANY thing I have narrated or produced once its done, just because I see the flaws in the work and want to redo it. Well, there is one that I do listen to and have many times…[Read more]

  • 3 years, 6 months ago

    I was in a discussion Easter Sunday with someone talking about the re-birth of Zygon and the Mind Warrior Project and things got a bit heavy when a wiser than me senior gentlemen asked me… _”Do people really change Dane.. my experience is they become more of what they already are.”_

    My answer was; “In general – you are right… without a ca…[Read more]

  • Ahmad replied to the topic New Releases in the forum ZYGON Programs

    3 years, 6 months ago

    We are releasing tonight the audio book/workshop “The Way of a Mind Warrior” which goes into some depth on the evolution of consciousness on Planet Earth and how we as “Mind Warriors” play a role in that process. Also will reveal an interesting thesis about the purpose of the universe and how to access these deeper truths for your own life. I…[Read more]

  • 3 years, 7 months ago

    The scene i was referring to in my post… in Robs thread on Sharing Experiences…. not able to post a video there – so here is the famous scene. LOL

    ![](https://youtu.be/ej9w6KMn4Y0) 3 years, 7 months ago

  • Ahmad replied to the topic New Releases in the forum ZYGON Programs

    3 years, 7 months ago

    We are super excited about the release of Zygon’s first three courses (for Level 1 Members) in the Master Course series: The Photographic Mind, Triggers, and Super Vocabulary. Our priority is to provide the necessary support to optimize your learning experience by offering guidance, tips, and online tutoring sessions.

    **Getting Star…[Read more]

  • Ahmad replied to the topic Guides & Workbooks in the forum ZYGON Programs

    3 years, 8 months ago

    Most of the courses have the workbooks and guides embedded with the Zygon program you are working with. Sometimes you may want to print them as reference and you can access these on the Zygon main website here… [https://zygon.net/users-guides](https://zygon.net/users-guides)

  • Ahmad replied to the topic New Releases in the forum ZYGON Programs

    3 years, 8 months ago

    Get ready for THE PHOTOGRAPHIC MIND, TRIGGERS – INSTANT MOTIVATION, SUPER-VOCABULARY, ACCLERATED LANGUAGE LEARNING…. and dozens more. Here is a quick video about what is being released. Here is a quick video…


  • Dane Spotts posted an update in the group Podcasts

    3 years, 8 months ago

    To access the current podcasts – go to [www.mindwarrior.com](http://www.mindwarrior.com) . You will also be able to find current episodes on all the podcast stations in the near future, as well as your ZYGON app.